Sustainability Plan Template Resources
Welcome to the Michigan Green Communities Sustainability Plan Template! This suite of template resources is a product of the Michigan Green Communities program, was developed with the Michigan Municipal League, and is designed to serve the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s Catalyst Communities program. This tool was designed so that municipalities and counties can plan and track their sustainability action items and points each year. It was funded by a grant from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and developed by the Great Plains Institute.
Please note that using the tool is completely voluntary and MGC will not require communities to use the tool to participate in the annual MGC Challenge. However, we are hopeful that the spreadsheet will be useful for tracking MGC and non-MGC sustainability actions and that the accompanying public-facing templates will allow municipalities to better communicate their sustainability progress with community members, partner organizations, neighboring municipalities, and other audiences.
The suite of sustainability plan template resources includes:
- A user guide (PDF)
- An internal-facing sustainability work plan based on the MGC Challenge action items (Microsoft Excel)
- A public-facing sustainability plan template (Microsoft Word)
- A one-page sustainability plan progress report/factsheet (both Microsoft Word and Canva)